World Autism Awareness Day – How to Put Together the Perfect Bedroom for a Child with Autism
08.06.2020There is no doubt that technology can make a profound difference in the lives of those with Autism.
World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) aims to put a spotlight on the hurdles that people with autism – and others living with autism – face every day. As a growing global health issue owing to its increasing exposure in the press and common knowledge, autism is an issue that is only gaining more understanding – and WAAD activities are planned every year to further increase and develop world knowledge of children and adults who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Our friend, Jenny Wise of Special Home Educator, shared this article with us about creating an ideal bedroom for a child with Autism and technology is part of the solution:
How to Put Together the Perfect Bedroom for a Child with Autism
Are you thinking of revamping your child’s bedroom? When your youngster is on the autism spectrum, finding the best design to help her bloom can be perplexing. Read on for some simple strategies that will help you create an ideal space so your kiddo flourishes.
A Breath of Fresh Air
According to Science Alert, some studies indicate a connection between poor air quality and autism. Exposure to air pollution could be a contributing factor in the development of the disorder, and you might be surprised at some of the things in your own home that are potential sources of pollution. With that in mind, think about boosting your home’s air quality.
For optimal in-home air quality, replace your HVAC air filters routinely. You can purchase whatever size filter you need online, and consider a subscription delivery service. It’s convenient, coming straight to your home and providing a reminder that it’s time to swap in a new filter. Another way to improve air quality is by adding a pink noise air purifier to your child’s bedroom. Pink noise appears to be a step up from traditional white noise machines, so the air purifier can do double duty, cleaning the air in your youngster’s room while encouraging rest.
Peace and Quiet
Children on the autism spectrum can struggle with sound sensitivity. With that in mind, offer your child earplugs or something to mask noise from outside her bedroom, such as recordings of restful sounds or music. Loud, unexpected noises can be alarming to people with autism, so consider adding soundproofing to the room as well. This way, you can encourage more relaxation while your child is awake and playing, and also improve slumber quality.
Consider Minimalism
A bedroom should be a place of rest, relaxation, and retreat. Since children with autism struggle with sensory concerns, an environment that embraces minimalist decor can help your child relax. Aim for an orderly, uncluttered area to put your youngster at ease, and bear in mind children with autism tend to learn visually. As an example of how that affects the space, one idea is to organize toys visually, such as by color or pattern, since from there your child can find it satisfying to put toys into their respective spots.
Sensory Elements
While you want a look that is simple and organized, adding a place for sensory engagement can be beneficial to children on the autism spectrum. By supplying a spot for moving and fidgeting, your child can better engage and focus on activities. For instance, a sensory swing can be a calming escape from stress, holding your youngster and allowing for routine movement. It’s also a chance to build coordination, improve balance, and enhance muscle development.
Add Some Gadgetry
You want your child to feel comfortable and relaxed in her bedroom, but it’s also crucial to find ways to put your own mind at ease. Business Wire explains that smart home technology offers many safety advantages to families living with autism. You can use devices to monitor your children without hovering, and sensors can warn you if your child should wander. Along those same lines, in the event your youngster does slip out, video clips can help reveal the path she took and help you retrieve her quickly. There are even systems that alert emergency personnel when something is awry, so you get help in an urgent situation as fast as possible.
When your child has autism, how you put together her bedroom can make an especially big impact in her comfort and relaxation. Enhance the air quality, ensure some noise reduction, stick with simple decor, and add some supportive elements. Both you and your youngster will soon feel more at ease with the great environment you create.
Jenny Wise, http://specialhomeeducator.com/